Preparation and Characterization of CuO/r-Al2O3 for Adsorption of SO2 in Flue Gas

  •  Yuono Yuono    
  •  David Bahrin    
  •  Herri Susanto    


Adsorbent CuO/r-Al2O3 was successfully prepared by the dry impregnation using Cu(NO3)2.3H2O solution oncommercial r-Al2O3. Impregnation and calcination process was be done repeatedly to get a desired CuO contenton the support. The impregnations were done at 50oC for 8 hours or 120°C for 5 hours. Calcinations were carriedout at a temperature of 400oC for 8 hours. Adsorbent obtained from this preparation contained Cu: 7.93% (named8Cu), 14.76% (15Cu) and 28.98% (30Cu). Pore characteristic indicated that the surface area decreased with theincrease in Cu content in the adsorbent (from 207 in original support to 124 m2/g in 8Cu). Similar tendency wasfound for the pore volume (from 0.47 to 0.28 mL/g).In batch adsorption test, the amount of adsorbed SO2 was calculated from the increase in mass of adsorbent.Adsorbent 8Cu had the best adsorption capacity in term of mol ratio, ie. 0.78 SO2/CuO (close to stoichiometry).Original support of r-Al2O3 was found to be inert to SO2. In semi-continue test, the adsorption was carried undera flow of gas containing 2.5% SO2. The amount of adsorbed SO2 was calculated from the different of SO2content between influent to effluent. It was found again that the best adsorbent was 8Cu with the adsorptioncapacity of 0.97 mol/mol CuO.

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  • Issn(Print): 1913-1844
  • Issn(Onlne): 1913-1852
  • Started: 2007
  • Frequency: monthly

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